Oviya Therapeutic Massage

Directions to my office: 
 The address doesn’t show up in GPS. The door number is 112 East Main St and is between the restaurants Troy Grill and Pacific East, both show up on GPS. Walk up the first flight of stairs and turn left through the blue double doors (don’t go past the iron gates). My door is yellow, suite 15, the first one on the right. Bathrooms are down the hall from me to the right.   

The easiest and closest parking available are the paid meters on Main St and South Water St. Credit card and quarters are accepted and it is free on evenings and weekends. There is free parking on the bridge one block down on East Main St, on S water St. by Scribbles Coffee or in the parking lot behind Woodsy’s music/Tree City.

Oviya Therapeutic Massage - Oviya Therapeutic Massage

126 E Main St, suite 15, Kent, OH, 44240

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